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WELCOME to this Speedex Tractor Web Site ( 07-6-24 ) . Please Know....How much we all appreciate all of you Spedcial Care Givers - God Bless You for putting your own health on the line for Others . - Mike Hamper Thinking Summer- Shows and the Reasons for Living.
" You can give without Loving,but you cannot Love with out giving. Amy Carmichael " 1 |
Hard to believe that it finally is almost Spring Already .04-10-24 I especially am blessed that many of you are Member Supporters of this site – Hopefully more of you will think to renew as the numbers are down a lot. The site still needs you to finincially continue to exist. For those of You that have renewed Your Membership I am Grateful and Thankful. – – Mike
Speedex Tractors Show strong at these Ohio & PA shows
Vintage Garden Tractor Show Sugarcreek,Ohio-May - Ashtabula Antique Engine Shows-May Gas Up, one day - July three days Fall Show September one day . Elkton Antique Engine Show Lisbon Ohio-Georgian Bay Steam show Ontario Canada- Tuscarawas Valley PIONEER POWER Show August- Buckeye Steam & Gas Reunion August - A Show in Ravenna August - Atwood Lake Ohio -October - Check out the Fall Show Button for show photos - more to come ! For more info on each of these shows ..click on New Information above and below Classifieds on the left side of this page. If you know of show dates I'am missing send me an e-mail and I will include the dates - Thanks
Brandon Baily passed on August 26, 2023. Brandon was a very passionate Speedex collector - He was very friendly with all of us and he loved his family dearly - we saw many photos of his children on his tractors....I am glad to have met him and shared stories with him. -He wil be missed. Harry Tempest of of Mount Pleasent, PA passed on July 6,2023 - -Harry was a Friend & colledtor and loved to show his restored Model-B tractor. He was often seen at the Atwood Fall Festival. He was the brother-in -law of Bill Ruth. John L. Thoman of Lisbon Ohio passed on April 11, 2023. Frank Toth of Ravenna ohio passed on Feb 25,2023 Saturday, June 05, 2021 1:26 PM - I just wanted to let you know that Dallas Few passed away this morning (June 5) at 12:05 AM. The Family is not planning anything at the moment but will have a celebration of his life at a later date. Thanks to all for being his friend and tractor buddys. His obituary will be posted on line at www.waitefuneralhome.com/obits - Bryan Few Dallas was a wonderful person and a very supportive person of small tractors of all makes , but parcial to our Speedex tractors. I spent many hours visiting and talking with Dallas at his home over the years with our other Speedex Buddy Stan Pierson. He will truly be missed and he now finds peace with his Lord. Ed Sarver of Manschoice, Pa passed on 8- 8, 2020 Stan Pierson of West Springfield, Pa passed on 4-19-2020 Larry Lipps of Jefferson, Ohio - 8 year past president of the Ashtabula Antique Engine Club - passed 3-1-18 I sadly leave this news from March 1, 2018. Long time friend and fellow collector and a true advocate for collectors Larry Lipps of Jefferson, Ohio has passed on. He leaves a great legecy of love for the Ashtabula Ohio Antique Engine Club of which he was there in the beginning and until recently served as President for 8-years. You could find him weekly working at the Engine show grounds in Williamsfield, Ohio. He will greatly be missed by all. Larry could alway be seen at the shows with his blue jeans, blue jean shirt, blue hat and a wonderful welcoming smile. Carl Few of Wadsworth, Oho - a tractor friend & member of the Median County Antique Power Association - passed 8-30-18 Dan Strang of Williamsfield, Ohio - Flea Mrkt. Mgr. at Ashtabyla Engine Shows passed in 12-2016 Bill Weise of Walton Hills, Ohio. Bill passed on 12-20- 2015. IRobert Shick of Newton Falls Ohio. Bob passed on 11-1-2015.
...Speedex Videos is now Released for Viewing ... You may have to Activate Active X once to do the viewing ...Enjoy There are now over 750 photos in Tractor , 2-wheel, & Implement Pictures It has occurred to me that Probably the greatest function My web-site provides is the Ability for Speedex enthusiast all across the country to Net-Work with each other about their tractors. We need to take advantage of this opportunity in the ways provided thru the POST and Classified & Guest-Map on this Home page. ( If you desire contacts leave your e-mail address on the Guest Map Page when you Register ) On the Supporting Member Side of the site is a list of members Wanting to Share by providing their Phone # and E-Mail address. I encourage you to use these resources I would like to thank all of our Veteran’s for their service and sacrifices for our country. Thank you! GOD BLESS AMERICA " As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. " … John Fitzgerald Kennedy Web-Site Supporting Members Info. Sorry, but if you can't get into the Member Side Your Renewal is Probably Due...contact me at mhamper1@roadrunner.com
I have been adding a Video Library to the Member Side I want to Thank All you Folks who are New & ReNewed Supporting Members of this Web-Site. Without you I could not continue to fund the site continuation. Your support enables me to field at least 3-4 techinal questions everyday, and also contacts by phone. The Summer mounths become increasing busy and so do the requests for information. I will continue to do my best to answer them, and if you, as your own Speedex Expert, can contribute to the questions in the POST Area, PLEASE do so. thanks Mike In Memory of our Friend Dallas Few - In Memory of Our Friend Stan Pierson - click on photo to Zoom in Atwood Lake - Blast from the past Show 2009 Look-a-Like projects are fun and great show stoppers.Check out the FG Peddle Tractor in the FG highBoy photo section & and My Peddle LowBoy in the FG LowBoy section . Then look in the S-Series S14 section for One of the 3D Model tractors. I working out details and will be making a Collector Card # 30 about the 3D Model tractors designed by Justin Goodson & Printed by Colby Merchlewitz - The card will include photos of Model tractors assembled by Tony Marsh, Gary Perry & Kenny Vanwoert and possibly more !. www.speedextractorinformation.com turns 20 this year ! See below for Supporting Member Card History - Click on the photo to enlarge for a better view. - How many have you saved ? :>) - Tthe 2024 card is ready for New and Renewal members, don't miss yours this coming year - Join or Renew Now ! I have some T-shirts left with a 75 th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary graphics Design. You need to e-mail me at mhamper1@roadrunner.com To order a Shirt in one of your size if interested. Shirts will be Light Ash color with the 75th graphic. $ 14.50 / ea. S-XL - - 2XL $ 16.50 + mailing - A t-shirt photo can be seen below. - - Mike
Dallas Few at Atwood Lake Short Speedex Video Click on Round Button with White Triangle ( or yours might be White buttonwith Black Triangle) middle of the Black Window
Atwood Lake Fall Festival October 2019 .. New Pictures 07-6-24 ..Many New Pictures 10-11-18 New Pictures Here 10-11-18 H i s t o r y Updated 02-28-2014 The history below has been complied by Mike Hamper and all information is from my reference gathering, research informtion and personal interviews. I have seen copies of my history from this page on other sites without any Accreditation. Please give credit where credit is due....thanks Mike Update : 1-4-2018 In 1935 Harold Pond founded the "POND TRACTOR COMPANY", and built Speedex tractors. ...Some worthy information to note before the Pond Tractor Co. started follows. Harold Pond was associated with Shaw Mfg. Co. of Galesburg, Kanas. Shaw Mfg. Co. fabricated walk behind tractors and other outdoor power equipment from reclaimed motorcycles and automotive parts. Harold Pond, his brother Elmer Pond, and brother-in-law, Glen Heilman all worked for the Shaw Mfg. Co. at one time. Harold was assigned Ohio and Pennsylvania as his territory for mat'l shipments of steel. During that time Harold conceived and developed the Speedex walk behind tractor. All three men were very motivated and would eventually create their own company’s. Harold's brother Elmer and his son Cecile were responsible for the development of the " Wheel Horse " line of tractors in South Bend Ind. Harold's brother-in-law Glen Heilman was responsible for developing the " Garden-All " line of garden tractors in Mishawaka, Indian. These three men would go on to be responsible for many innovations in the history of small garden tractor production. .... Now for Harold's part. In 1938-39 Harold Pond developed the Model B Speedex riding tractor in Ravenna, Ohio. The Speedex Model-B is considered the first four wheel garden tractor in America with an air-cooled engine and pneumatic tires. It had tiller steering, pneumatic tires, Briggs & Stratton Model ZZ air cooled engine, a Ford Model-A transmission, and Ford Model-T rear axle. In 1939 Harold started a national advertising campaign to sell the Model-B tractors. 1941 The Model-B was sold with a 6HP Briggs engine. A 1941 Sales Pamphlet lists the Co. name as "POND GARDEN TRACTOR CO." the Model-B tractors were built in 1939,1940,1941,1942,1943-48. During this time he also developed the Model A and C walk-behind Tractors. In 1942 the Model FG ( Farm and Garden )was developed using a Ford Model A 4-cylinder engine, Model-A transmission, and Model-T rear axle. It sported the Model-A radiator and radiator shell. This first FG was a direct evolution of the Model-B having many of the same parts, which also included the 9 inch front tires. Later FG's were a higher designed tractor and did not have the shiny Ford Model-A radiator shell. This later FG did have larger front wheels ,12 inch, and had a Model-A rear axle. In 1957 Harold Pond sold his company to Maury Foote and Jerry Stowe. Harold and his wife Golda and daughter Marilyn then moved back to his native state and town of Galesburg, Kansas. Harold continued to tinker with some designs for other small items that did not reach production status. Born April 30th ,1905 Harold E. Pond died on Nov. 18th 1966 at the age of 61. In a recent interview with his daughter she mentioned that her Father would be very proud to know of the present practical use and continued interest in his tractors.Tech International,Ltd of New Philadelphia, Ohio still offers parts for many of the Speedex line of garden tractors. Due to unauthorised copy right infringement the rest of the History is now moved to the Member side of the web site. Hopefully this will contol that lack of respect for copy writeing. Folks that pay for that part of the site are not likely to relecklessly release the contents. I am finishing up my Book and will incorporte the major part of all the information in the so0n to be released Self Published Book. - - Mike Hamper Please .. Note.. ...Mike When I Post a Show I will try to include a Map if possible here. ...Mike Hamper Atwood Lake Map for tractors Click on map to enlarge for better viewing. Atwood Lake tractor area camping New Rules - Click on photo to enlarge. T-92 Transmission Shifter Ball-End Repair Information Click on button to Open the link to the site. Welcome to this Speedex Tractor Web-site October os show time at Atwood Lake Fall Festival here in Ohio. attenders will be located in the New Show Area. | Parts | Post | Classifieds | New Information | Guest Map | Summer Show | Speedex Videos | | Return Home | Contact Info. | Tractor Manuals | Belt Sizes | Spring Show | Fall Show | Decals (NEW ITEMS) | |