Gordon Smith from PA
 Mike Hamper of Jefferson Ohio 1942
 Bob Pelca of Richfield Ohio 1942 Model-B
 Gerald G. of Ohio 1942 Model-B
 Bob Shick of Ohio 1942 Model-B
 Bob Pelca of Richfield Ohio 1942
 Phil Wright of New Philadelphia Ohio 1942 Model-B
 Need Name 1942 Model B seen At Trans Tech 1998
 Need name? 1942 Model B seen at Trans Tech 1998
 John Duncan 1942 Model-B
 Larry B. of Oregon...1942 Model-B
 Gil Braida of Seattle WA - 1942 Model-B
( click on photo to enlarge )
 Richard Lehr of Maryland 1942 Model-B
 Harry Tempest of Mt Pleasant Pa 1942 MOdel -B
 1942 ? Model-B sold on E-Bay .. note the height of the belt housing ??
 Ralph Brown of Byesville Ohio 1942 Model-B
 George Carrie from PA
 Stan Pierson of West Springfield Pa Modified 1942 Model-B
 Lister Marchall of Mi 1942 Model-B sporting Original Front Tires
 Lister Marshall of MI 1942 Model-B With implements & Original front tires
 Nate Stark of Bowerston,Ohio 1942 Model-B
 Joe Smith of Wautoma, WS 1942 Model B
 Harry England Sr. Model-B axle different
 Harry England Sr. Model-B Rear end
 Derek England 1942 Model-B
 Matt Huffman of Ohio 1942 Model-B ( sold to Jeff Silvis) ( before )
 Jeff Silvis of Sarver, PA 1942 Model-B After
 Ernie Vagi Early 1942 Model-B put together
 Bill Ruth of Connelsville PA Modified 1942 Model-B
 Stan Pierson of West Springfield PA 1942 Model-B
with Cultivators & other implements
 Brett Kelly of Howell Michagan 1942 Model-B with added Steering

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