Mike Hamper of Jefferson Ohio- This Tractor is now Owned by My Grandson Josh Hamper
 Bill Wilson of Ohio FG HighBoy 1929 Rad.shell
 Bill Ruth of Conneslville PA

This Photo was taken when Dallas Few of Chipawa,Ohio owned this FG Highboy - approx 2003=2004 Before (DF FG)
 This photo is after Harry England Jr. of Newcomers town, Ohio (DF FG) - After Now owned by Jerry McConahy of Warren, Ohio
 Jerry McConahy of Warren, Ohio (DF FG)
 Mike Murphy of Canton South, Ohio FG HighBoy ..just got it
 Jim Maynard of Felicity, Ohio FG HighBoy with 1930 Rad. & Shell
 Bob Woodman from BainBridge Wash. State
 Bob Jenisec of Madison Ohio * Location unknown as of now ?)
 Mike Miller of Centerville PA - Before
 Mike Miller of Centerville PA - After

Will Weatherbe Russel Pa - This HighBoy waws originally in Pierpont Ohio
 Wayne Shawber of Deshler, Ohio Green FG Highboy - Before
 Wayne Shawber of Deshler, Ohio FG HighBoy - After
 Tom Linerode of Marlboro Ohio FG HighBoy with 1929 Radiator & Shell
 Harry England Sr. of Ohio Tractor Owned by Doug Tallman 15" Front Wheels
 Logan Zeszuter of Bellsville, Pa FG HighBoy
 Dwight VonFusson of Ohio FG HighBoy 1929 Rad. Ford Shall
 FG HighBoy - bill Wilson back view Ohio ?
 Bob Rock Of Pewamo Mi. HighBoy
 Roger Yost of Ohio
 Tim LaPree of MI HighBoy
 Eric Kemp of Magnola,Ohio FG HighBoy
 Bob Jenasic of Madison OH -1- of The Just Waiting High Boys ( Location Unknown)
 Tim Anstine Highboy purchased fron Doc Snyder's son Don of Springfield, Ohio
 Stan Pierson West Springfield Pa. FG HighBoy Plowing
 Mike Hamper Jefferson, Ohio FG HighBoy Plowing
 Bill Ruth FG HighBoy Plowing at Knox Show
 Tom Linerode of Alliance Ohio HighBoy
 FG HighBoy....went to Home Of Charlie Mitchell of SC
 Richard Strausbaugh FG HighBoy in Fence Row
 Doug Patterson of Ray,Ohio - Unique FG with Briggs 2- Cylinder conversion
 FG HighBoy went to home Of Stan Pierson West Springfield Pa - before some work
 Stan Pierson West Sprintfield Pa FG HighBoy - after some work
 Check out this FG HighBoy Peddle tractor made by Garson Moser this winter- Click on Photo to Zoom in.
 Jack O. of Ohio FG HighBoy
 Russ Springer of Pa
 FG HighBoy Near Barberton Ohio fom Dallas Few 1991 photo
 Dusty Webster of Ind. FG HighBoy
 FG HighBoy in front of Speedex plant circa 1976

Mark Jackson of East Dubuque, Ill. FG - This is the same tractor that is in the previous poto at the Ravenna Tractor Plant Cira- 1970's
 History Photo FG HighBoy Purchsed by Beyer Gibson 1946-47 now owned by Garson Moser of Gettysburg, PA
 Garson Moseer FG Gettesburg, Pa FG Highboy today FG HighBoy HorseshoeJoe
 Bill Simone from Pa
 Stan Pierson of Westspringfield PA
 FG's At Atwood Lake Festival 2003
 Speedex Tractor Plant For Sale photo by Mike Hamper 2003
 Adam Grims of Ohio FG HighBoy
 Bill Ruth of Conelsville, Pa HighBoy

Rob Bush Collection - FG HighBoy

FG HighBoy in front of a Store- Owner ?? I think This is the FG that is in the photo In Front of the Ravenna Plant in the 1970's
Click on Photo for a closer look.

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