Bob T. S19 Finished
 Ty Pilarcz of Chardon Ohio S19
 Alan Bach of Ca. S19
 Paul Econrode of Ohio S19
 David C. from GA
 Tim Anstine of Damascas Ohio S19
 Mike Hamper of Jefferson Ohio S19 AA43
 Harry Tempest of Mt Pleasant Pa S19 with sickle Bar
 Bob L. of Co S19
 David & Alex Suiters of Broadtop Pa.
 Travis Coleman of Ohio S-19
 Ralph S. of Ohio S-19
 Dan P. of Akron, Oh S19
 Dave H. of Corbon Kentucky S19
 Tony Beltz of Minerva Oh S19
 Floyd Tilson of Midland Ont. Canada S19 finished
 Austyn Duncan S19 Pulling Tractor
 Floyd Tilson of Midland Ont. Canada S19
 Mike Schissler of Carrollton Ohio S19
 Robert Tompkins of Endevor Pa S19
 Jon Wagner of Mentor Ohio S19 ( Restored by Greg Hollabaugh of Akron Oh)
 Jon Wagner of Mentor Ohio S19 ( Restored by Greg Hollabaugh of Akron Oh)
 Greg Hollabaugh of Uniontown, Ohio S19
 Richard Tyo of Zanesville Ohio S19
 Nick Alexander of Turtle Creek Pa S19
 Dave McMasters of Howland Ohio S19
 Robert Zimmer of Montour Falls Ny - S19
 Marcus Beauregard of New Hampshire S19
 Garoyl Humphrey of Oklahoma s19
 David Woodell of Carrollton GA 1966 S19 AA15
 Mark Norton of Pt. Pleasant NJ S19 -Befor
 Mark Norton of Pt. Pleasant NJ S19 -After
 Tyrone Wise of VA S19
 Chris Holmes of Pittsburg PA S19
 Mark & Nathan Hebdon S19D ...click to enlarge
Diesel engine swap

S19 - He did all the work- nice job Braiden from North Mississippi - click on the photo to enlarge it.

Greg Hollabaugh ofUniontown, Ohio S19

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