Mike H. from Ohio...0159G S24 1966 1st Made
 Bill Ruth from PA
 Steve Palermo of Virginia Beach, Va S24
you can click on the photo to enlarge it
 Jon Carpenter S24
 Tom B of Cortland, Oh 1968 S24 0699J
 Mike D. of Ohio S-24
 Mike O. of CO S24 & Green works for him.
 Tim Anstine. of Ohio S24
 Roofer S24
 Scott & Alex Suiters of Pa
 Ron Hardesty of Johnstown, Ohio S24
 John K of Fla. S24
 Ron Hardesty of Johnstown Ohio S24
 Ron Hardesty of Johnstown Ohio S24
 Ron Hardesty of Johnstown, Ohio S24
 Donald D. of NH S24
 Mike Hamper of Ohio S24 Variable Speede
 S24 e-bay
 Jason Maxim of DeBois Pa. S24
 Nelson W. of Palmyra Me - 1967 S24
 Jim C. of Akron, Oh S24
 Mike Hamper of Jefferson, Ohio S24 Turf Tires
 Robert Bishop of Chesterfield,VA S24
 Stan Pierson of West Springfield Pa S24 he's got " New Wheels "
 Lyle Langworthy of Clio MI...S24
 Jason Maxam Of Pa S24
 K. Carrol s24
 Stan Pierson of West Springfield Pa S24
 Chuck of Mecca Ohio S24
 Frank Jennings of Laceyville Pa S24
 Brandon Reese Reese Holler Pa S24
 Joe Orzell Bristol Ct. S24
 Kim Warren S24
 Bernie Ralston of Central Pa S24
 Mike Hamper S24 Varible Speed with belt cvr. off
 DeWayne Sallade S24
 Ron Hardesty of Johnstown Ohio S24
 Doug Pitts of Ohio S24
 JR Phillips of Ravenna Ohio S24
 Mike Serotko of Newton Falls Ohio S24
 Chris Downs of Canandaigua NY s24
 Chris Downs of Canandaigua NY s24 Plowing
 Donnie Pratt of Blackstone S24
 Kevin Kolstad of Minn. Minnisota S24 Before
 Kevin Kolstad of Minn. Minn S24 - After
 John Naylor of Ohio S24
 John Parsons of Cincinnati, Ohio S24
 Josh Dibble S24
 Robert Lemmert Cumberland, Maryland Variable speed S24--Before
 Robert Lemmert Cumberland, Maryland Variable speed S24--After
 Michael Crouse of NY S24's click to enlarge
 Ed Spiga of Akron Ohio S24 Beautiful Blue...can you see the Flames on the Hood ? click to enlarge
 Jim Flacker S24 outside barn S14 there also ... click to enlarge
 Ivan Thurber of TN S24

Here is a neat conversion using a Speedex S24 Frame Assembly - Oil Pull - Good Job Jim Tatalick of Roaming Shores, Ohio
Click on photo to enlarge

Les Kotouch of Economy PA S23
 Bobby Ward of New Columbia, PA S24. Click on photo to enlarge.

Jeff Adams of Ravenna, Ohio S24 Click on Photo to enlarge

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